WTO.I Neighborhood Centers are a place where residents can come together and work toward solving their problems. The resulting communications between the community and local and federal agencies are the "heart of the community action process". Centers serve local residents with counseling, information, education, and referrals. Child care, home economics and health care are often the subject of counsel and referral. When a person’s problems are such that outside assistance is needed, that person is counseled and referred to the appropriate office or organization.
WTO,I caseworkers have focused on the goal of enabling disadvantaged citizens to attain the skill, knowledge and motivation to secure the opportunities needed to help them become fully self-sufficient. WTO,I Neighborhood Centers are located in Lamesa, Stanton, McCamey, Big Spring, Seminole, Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Snyder and Sweetwater. Outreach services are provided to Borden, Glasscock, Fisher and Mitchell Counties on a scheduled basis.